Phone: (831) 661-5851
Fax: (650) 858-8411
[email protected]

Contact Stephen Pappas


We own and lease property ourselves, so we are very familiar with leasing from both the practical and legal perspectives.  A commercial lease is often a daunting document … close to thirty pages of legalese that has been refined through the centuries to put tenants in the worst possible position.  But leasing is all about bargaining power.  How badly does the landlord need the tenant?  Is the tenant one that will improve the landlord’s ability to lease other space?  Or big enough to call its own shots?  What we are saying is, just because it’s in the lease the landlord gave you doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t bargain it out.

Lease Agreement Review

We have seen leases which imposed upon the tenant the duty to pay  government-imposed environmental clean-up costs for contamination which was on the premises before the tenant arrived…. in an Environmental Protection Agency Superfund cleanup zone!  We have seen leases which give the landlord the right to move the tenant to another space, if the landlord decides that it likes another tenant or prospective tenant better.  These are but a couple of the abusive clauses that can appear in commercial leases.  So, don’t just sign what the landlord or broker gives you.  Let us review your lease before you sign, and work to make it reasonable for you.

Lease Disputes and Questions

After the lease is signed, disputes may arise.  Is the landlord meeting its duties under the lease?  Did the landlord fail to disclose something which it should have?  Can the tenant justifiably withhold the rent?  Is the landlord unfairly withholding return of the deposit?  And sometimes, a tenant just needs to move…even though the lease term isn’t up yet.  All is not lost.  If you need help with a lease dispute, or have questions about your lease, contact us.  We can help.

Contact Stephen Pappas

11 + 12 =

P.O. Box 2048
Aptos, CA 95001
Phone: (831) 661-5851
Telefax: (650) 858-8411
(650) 804-9299 (mobile)
[email protected]
Alternate:  [email protected]